Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Comments from the Cuties - November

For the archive.

Lila: "We're not in Brentwood anymore." (on the way to the mall)

Tanner: "Don't listen sis, it will hurt your ears." (while flushing the toilet at the mall)
Lila: "Is that where animals go potty?" (sitting on the toilet, looking around and asking about the drain in the bathroom at the mall)
Lila: "I have to go to work."
Tanner: "To make money for Chuck E Cheese."
Lila: "Do you want an iced mocha?" (taking my order while playing in her kitchen)
Tanner: "Where did we get these cool shoes?"
Mama: "I don't remember."
Tanner: "I think from old ladies."
Mama: "Old Ladies?" OHHHH you mean old NAVY?" :-)
Lila: "Let's do a craft today."
Tanner: "I'm coming Sis. Don't worry about it." (running to meet Lila on the jungle gym)
Lila: "Put both hands on it. Both hands. " (talking about the steering wheel - where did this come from?!)
Tanner: "Because it's safe."
Tanner: "I"m so, so sorry. I didn't wait for you. I'm so sorry." (said while running off a climbing structure at the park, he knows to do it while I'm watching/near him - he was completely full of himself!)
Mama: "These ants are driving me crazy."
Lila: "They're hungry and looking for food."
Tanner: "They're sad and looking for their mom."
Tanner: "I'm going to ask Santa for my own ipad, a tractor and a blue truck." (an IPAD?!)
couple days later.......
Lila: "I want a goat and a sheep from Santa."
Mama: "Where would we keep them."
Lila: "Outside, not inside" (looking at me like - DUH!)
Tanner: "Locked up!"
Tanner: "There's the mall" (passing an outdoor mall in town)
Lila: "That's not the mall, we're not in Concord" (we went to the mall in Concord on the first day of the month!)
Lila: "I saw Santa Claus. You just missed it." (while playing with Daddy)
Tanner: "I need help. This is frustrating." (playing with a new App on the iPad)
Lila: "When I was really really little I was in the hospital."
Tanner: "I want to go to Massachusetts."
Mama: "I do too, but it's far away."
Tanner: "We need a plane."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

October Pictures

We had a great Halloween inspired month!   We visited a few farms/pumpkin patches and a Halloween festival at Fairyland, one of our favorite new spots.   Samantha and Peyton came for a visit, we had a play date with my long time friend Jenny (from elementary school) and her son Alex, a trip to San Francisco with Bri & the gang, a fun day with Sunshine, Kristine & kids, a visit from my Mom & Grammy, Brady's first birthday party, play time at the park, crafts, cooking and finally a visit from Grandma Carol and Halloween!   Jacob and I got a special treat - time alone!    Carol had fun with the kiddos (and vice versa) while we had dinner at a non-kid friendly place.  WOO!

The kids LOVED Halloween.   They were so excited to head out trick-or-treating.   Lila was scared of the monster and masked costumes.   They were very polite with "thank you's" and "Happy Halloween."   We called it quits after an hour, Tanner kept asking for "one more house."  We then got home and took over the candy giving duties from Grandma.    I'm not sure if they liked trick-or-treating or handing out the candy more.    They would holler for kids to come down to our house.   If no one said thank you they would turn around and tell us "they didn't say thank you."   Apparently our kids are the politeness police, as if they say it every time!    

The kids are keeping us busy and on our toes as usual.    They are growing up way too fast!    You should hear some of the conversations we have with them and they have with each other.   Some times I think we have teenagers already.   Their favorite musician is Justin Beiber.   Yep, no joke!   They heard him in the store one day and then again on the radio.   His songs are so catchy, I can't blame then.   It's so cute to hear Lila say "baby, baby, baby oooooh."    

I could write more but I need my sleep!
Link to the pictures:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Feel good moment of the day

I got the kids out of the bathtub and wrapped in their towels.    Tanner said to Lila, "Nice to meet you, I'm Jenny."   Lila then giggled and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Amy."    They then hugged and toppled over each other in hysterics.    I have no clue where they got the "Amy" and "Jenny" bit, let alone the "nice to meet you."    They pick up on every detail and word that is said so they witnessed something having to do with that recently!