Lila: "We're not in Brentwood anymore." (on the way to the mall)
Tanner: "Don't listen sis, it will hurt your ears." (while flushing the toilet at the mall)
Lila: "Is that where animals go potty?" (sitting on the toilet, looking around and asking about the drain in the bathroom at the mall)
Lila: "I have to go to work."
Tanner: "To make money for Chuck E Cheese."
Lila: "Do you want an iced mocha?" (taking my order while playing in her kitchen)
Tanner: "Where did we get these cool shoes?"
Mama: "I don't remember."
Tanner: "I think from old ladies."
Mama: "Old Ladies?" OHHHH you mean old NAVY?" :-)
Lila: "Let's do a craft today."
Tanner: "I'm coming Sis. Don't worry about it." (running to meet Lila on the jungle gym)
Lila: "Put both hands on it. Both hands. " (talking about the steering wheel - where did this come from?!)
Tanner: "Because it's safe."
Tanner: "I"m so, so sorry. I didn't wait for you. I'm so sorry." (said while running off a climbing structure at the park, he knows to do it while I'm watching/near him - he was completely full of himself!)
Mama: "These ants are driving me crazy."
Lila: "They're hungry and looking for food."
Tanner: "They're sad and looking for their mom."
Tanner: "I'm going to ask Santa for my own ipad, a tractor and a blue truck." (an IPAD?!)
couple days later.......
Lila: "I want a goat and a sheep from Santa."
Mama: "Where would we keep them."
Lila: "Outside, not inside" (looking at me like - DUH!)
Tanner: "Locked up!"
Tanner: "There's the mall" (passing an outdoor mall in town)
Lila: "That's not the mall, we're not in Concord" (we went to the mall in Concord on the first day of the month!)
Lila: "I saw Santa Claus. You just missed it." (while playing with Daddy)
Tanner: "I need help. This is frustrating." (playing with a new App on the iPad)
Lila: "When I was really really little I was in the hospital."
Tanner: "I want to go to Massachusetts."
Mama: "I do too, but it's far away."
Tanner: "We need a plane."