Tuesday, August 23, 2011

California Dreamin'

T-Minus 4 days until the big move!  The movers will be here tomorrow to pack us up and then will load everything on Thursday.   I've pretty much been in denial.   I'll get really emotional when I think about not seeing people for a while, the kids missing their pals, asking to do things around here (farm, beach, MAINE...)etc.   They've asked if friends will be moving with us.   "Is Susan going to California too?"
I keep thinking that almost all of their family will be so close to us now.    And, they'll make a lot of new friends too.    I just don't want them to forget anyone here.  :-(  

I'll add more pictures and comments when we get settled next week (staying with my Dad for a little over a week until our goods arrive).   Then, we will call Brentwood our new home!

Comments from the cuties - July

I'm behind in archiving these....I'll add some August comments soon.

Tanner: "Where's New Hampshire?"
Couple days later - "Where's Poland?" (our friend Rich was there)
"Where's Tennessee?" (talking about Auntie Brooke)
Lila: "It's so nice in here" (while playing in the family room)
Tanner: "I like it inside. It's 2:00" (totally random and not the correct time)
Lila: "I want to go nigh night. I want a blanket too. I want a baba too." (big smiles and giggles)
Lila: "I'm going potty. Tanner will wear Mickey underwear. I will wear minnie underwear."
Later in the day....
Tanner: "I'm potty training. I'm really trying."
Tanner: "We have a busy day this morning." (said first thing when he woke up)
Lila: "Mama run in an errand." (telling Tanner where I was going)
Mama: "Tell Daddy what kind of fruit we had today."
Tanner: "What was it?"
Mama: "Honeydew"
Tanner: "Honeydew melon. I said SCORE" (throws fist in air)
I said good night to the kids then went downstairs and had a cookie. A few minutes later they said they had to go potty.
Tanner: "What were you eating?" (smelling me)
Mama: "Chocolate"
Lila: "OH, chocolate?!"
Tanner: "What was it? Where did you get it?"
Lila: "1-2 buckle mine shoe. 3-4 shut the door. 5-6 pick up sticks. 7-8......"
Mama: "7-8 lay them straight."
Lila: "9-10 big hen."
Tanner: "1-2 buckle my shoe. 3-4 shut the door. 5-6 pick up sticks. 7-8 lay them straight. 9-10-11-12-13-14
Mama: "What's your name?"
Lila: "Daddy" (laughing)
Mama: "Where do you live?"
Lila: "In California with Gram."
Mama: "How old are you?"
Lila: "2"
Mama: "What do you like to eat?"
Lila: "Bunny food."
Mama: "What do you like to drink?"
Lila: "Milk"
Mama: "What's your favorite ice cream?"
Lila: "I like purple. Tanner likes orange ice cream."
I need privacy."
Tanner: "Where's Cameron's daddy?"
Mama: "He's at work."
Tanner: "Cameron lives with his daddy, Greg." I live with my daddy, Jacob."
Lila: "I want a cat and Tanner wants a dog."
Tanner (while on the potty): "I have snail poops."
Mama: "What kind of poop is that?"
Tanner: "Gross poop."
Lila: "How about monkey poop."
Tanner: "You're going to give me a heart attack Lila." (I think he picked this up from Emily when we were at the farm and the goat went after her.)
The kids had waffles on a plate and asked for watermelon. I went to put the watermelon on their plates.
Tanner: "I want it in a bowl."
Mama: "Aren't you a picky petunia."
Tanner: "I'm not a tuna."
I was wrestling with the kids and used my mouth to get/tickle them.
Tanner: "No biting mama, time out."
Mama: "How long is my time out?"
Tanner: "2 minutes."
Mama: "What do I do after my time out?"
Lila: "Say you're sorry."
The kids like to eat the lotion we put on them after bath.
Mama: "Tanner, lotion isn't food. We don't eat it."
Lila: "It isn't a quesadilla."
Tanner: "It isn't watermelon."
Lila: "It isn't quiche."