I'm behind in archiving these....I'll add some August comments soon.
Tanner: "Where's New Hampshire?"
Couple days later - "Where's Poland?" (our friend Rich was there)
"Where's Tennessee?" (talking about Auntie Brooke)
Lila: "It's so nice in here" (while playing in the family room)
Tanner: "I like it inside. It's 2:00" (totally random and not the correct time)
Lila: "I want to go nigh night. I want a blanket too. I want a baba too." (big smiles and giggles)
Lila: "I'm going potty. Tanner will wear Mickey underwear. I will wear minnie underwear."
Later in the day....
Tanner: "I'm potty training. I'm really trying."
Tanner: "We have a busy day this morning." (said first thing when he woke up)
Lila: "Mama run in an errand." (telling Tanner where I was going)
Mama: "Tell Daddy what kind of fruit we had today."
Tanner: "What was it?"
Mama: "Honeydew"
Tanner: "Honeydew melon. I said SCORE" (throws fist in air)
I said good night to the kids then went downstairs and had a cookie. A few minutes later they said they had to go potty.
Tanner: "What were you eating?" (smelling me)
Mama: "Chocolate"
Lila: "OH, chocolate?!"
Tanner: "What was it? Where did you get it?"
Lila: "1-2 buckle mine shoe. 3-4 shut the door. 5-6 pick up sticks. 7-8......"
Mama: "7-8 lay them straight."
Lila: "9-10 big hen."
Tanner: "1-2 buckle my shoe. 3-4 shut the door. 5-6 pick up sticks. 7-8 lay them straight. 9-10-11-12-13-14
Mama: "What's your name?"
Lila: "Daddy" (laughing)
Mama: "Where do you live?"
Lila: "In California with Gram."
Mama: "How old are you?"
Lila: "2"
Mama: "What do you like to eat?"
Lila: "Bunny food."
Mama: "What do you like to drink?"
Lila: "Milk"
Mama: "What's your favorite ice cream?"
Lila: "I like purple. Tanner likes orange ice cream."
I need privacy."
Tanner: "Where's Cameron's daddy?"
Mama: "He's at work."
Tanner: "Cameron lives with his daddy, Greg." I live with my daddy, Jacob."
Lila: "I want a cat and Tanner wants a dog."
Tanner (while on the potty): "I have snail poops."
Mama: "What kind of poop is that?"
Tanner: "Gross poop."
Lila: "How about monkey poop."
Tanner: "You're going to give me a heart attack Lila." (I think he picked this up from Emily when we were at the farm and the goat went after her.)
The kids had waffles on a plate and asked for watermelon. I went to put the watermelon on their plates.
Tanner: "I want it in a bowl."
Mama: "Aren't you a picky petunia."
Tanner: "I'm not a tuna."
I was wrestling with the kids and used my mouth to get/tickle them.
Tanner: "No biting mama, time out."
Mama: "How long is my time out?"
Tanner: "2 minutes."
Mama: "What do I do after my time out?"
Lila: "Say you're sorry."
The kids like to eat the lotion we put on them after bath.
Mama: "Tanner, lotion isn't food. We don't eat it."
Lila: "It isn't a quesadilla."
Tanner: "It isn't watermelon."
Lila: "It isn't quiche."